Why Do We have New Year’s Resolutions?

Sinai Yang

A picture of doing many multiple resolutions in 2021. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/60776/why-do-we-make-new-years-resolutions

We have always wanted to change at some point in life.  As written in “Why do people make New Year’s Resolutions?” on Wonderopolis.org,” On December 31, the Romans imagined Janus looking backward into the old year and forward into the new year..” This was a symbolic time for the Romans to continue to create resolutions for the upcoming year and to also forgive our enemies that we’ve had in the past. This was the time Resolutions were made so we can start our brand new year. This article explains why we have resolutions and how it began. We have resolutions to start a new life and to forget the past.

These New Year’s Resolutions tend to be good  ideas on what people can improve in the New Year. So with 2021 here we can try to focus on what can help improve our lives more. There are so many goals that a person can look forward to. When we do our resolutions, we could choose goals that are possible and that can benefit you in many ways.  Some goals may be hard but in the end, the simple goals are what makes you feel good about yourselves.

“ There are many resolutions that are good for you that you can decide on and not only is volunteering good for your own mental and physical health, but you’re doing something kind and selfless for others.” Here is a quote telling us that volunteering can be a real good resolution for you and others. 

Wonderopolis.org has lists working out as one of the resolutions but not to get thinner, to feel good instead.. “ instead of obsessing over the scale, obsess over how amazing you feel since you started being more active.” “Numbers don’t mean much.” Here is another quote trying to tell us that working out isn’t just to lose weight because it can help us also gain muscles.

Letting go of grudges can be difficult but since it’s the new year, we can all let go of our grudges and start new in 2021. “Wouldn’t it be so nice to start 2021 with a clean state?” “Leave hate behind.” “Anger is so 2020.” This quote is trying to tell us to drop our grudges against people because it’s a New Year. 

As of now, consistently New Year’s Resolutions can be a big change to our environment. This can help sort out our lives more and make everyone feel good about themselves even the ones that motivated other people to do their resolutions.