Tech Addiction


The Mirror reporter

Today’s society has become increasingly more reliant on technology with around 2.53 billion people owning smartphones in 2018, according to Although there are benefits of technology, there are also many negative effects that come from an overuse and abuse of computers and smartphones. Although technology is constantly improving, technology addiction is also on the rise. defines technology addiction as “…frequent and obsessive technology-related behavior increasingly practiced despite negative consequences to the user of the technology.”

Although all ages can abuse technology, technology addiction is especially common among teens. Social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat are not only overused by teens but can also lead to depression and anxiety. Social media sites offer constant stimulation which can make teens feel dependent on technology.

According to, technology addiction “provides some of the same reward that alcohol and other drugs might….”

Video game addiction has also been on the rise in recent years with many young people spending hours upon hours playing and investing money into computer games. Video games have become such an issue that the World Health Organization now classifies gaming addiction as a mental health condition, according to a story reported on

There are many signs of technology addiction such as a compulsion to check the phone, feeling distant from family and friends and losing connection from the real world.

“Like it’s cool that everybody can be connected anywhere around the world, but I feel like people waste a lot of time they could be using productively,” SPASH student Madison Paul said.

Spending time with family and friends along with finding hobbies and clubs to participate in are all things that can be done in order to combat social media, video gaming and technology addiction.

“I feel like the main issue, though, is more in terms of how we portray ourselves in social media. I think that’s a larger issue than the actual screens themselves,” SPASH student Julian Pollock said.

“I think the issue is not with having this technology but with the people who are creating the technology, the people who are designing the websites, the people who are making money off these kids,” Pollock said.

Although this may not seem like an issue to many, technology addiction is a very real and very threatening problem that can lead to many negative health concerns. Visiting a family member or friend or talking to a counselor or teacher are good ways to help prevent anxiety and depression caused by technology addiction.