Colby returns as newspaper adviser

Longtime newspaper adviser and course instructor Carol Colby has returned to that position for the 2016-17 school year.

She replaces former English teacher Shannon Anderson who resigned at the end of the school year to pursue her writing interests full time.

“I’m very happy to be back working with this branch of student leaders and look forward to their accomplishments and contributions to the school and the greater community,” Colby said.

One of the first changes that has already been officially coordinated is the return of SPASH Highlights which is a full page of school news coverage which will be published in The Portage County Gazette. Gazette reporter Heather McDonald will coordinate those efforts with Colby.

Journalism students will also be actively involved in writing stories for The Mirror. Colby hopes to amp up the exposure and increase total viewership of the site.

Colby became a member of the Stevens Point School District staff in 1978. She currently teaches Speech Communication and serves as the adviser for the Key Club and the Class of 2017.