Sophomore Struggles


The Mirror reporter

Meeting new people and being in an unfamiliar environment can be challenging for some people. This occurs for most when transitioning from a middle school to high school. The high school experience is an exciting journey but the first couple days can be daunting and stressful. Stevens Point Area Senior High (SPASH) can be quite the shift considering there are approximately 1,600 students enrolled.

Making new friends, getting lost and being smaller than your backpack are just some of the struggles sophomores go through. During the first couple days of high school it may be a challenge finding your class and navigating through the school. It can be hazy remembering where every class is and forgetting your combination and not being able to get your locker open is likely to happen. There is an upright side to it all, you’ll eventually make new friends and may even find a new social clique or join an extracurricular activity.

Cole Caufield said he was excited about coming to SPASH especially having more freedom. He is also glad he can see all his friends from both Ben Franklin and PJ Jacobs.

Matt Konkol admitted that the most embarrassing things that happened this year was choking on gum while in Spanish class and falling down the stairs.

Avery Drohner said her best high school experience were the football games because that’s when she’s around people and her friends.

Knowing what to expect the first day can mentally prepare a person so they can have a better transition. Sophomores may have it rough in the beginning but after a couple weeks, everything will all come together. There are more positives than negatives.