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Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Lily Ackley

Lily Ackley, Hour 6

Lily Ackley lived in Cable Wisconsin for 15 years and moved to Plover WI last year. It was tough for her to move because she knew the people who were living in Cable for all of her life, and it took getting out of her comfort zone to get more friends. Lily wants to go to college somewhere in Minnesota to become a surgeon in a hospital. She has two siblings  Tyler and Aaron, she and Aaron get along, because he doesn’t like conflict. She doesn’t get along with Tyler because they are two much alike. Lily’s favorite memories were at her old school because it was small and they were like a family. She moved to Plover because she has family here and her family wanted to be closer to distant family. She does some after school activities like tennis which she enjoys playing. Lily’s favorite kinds of music are country because she doesn’t like hip hop or rap. In her free time she enjoys listening to country music and looking at Tik Tok.

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Lily Ackley