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Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Rosabelle Thor

Rosabelle Thor, Hour 1

Straight out of the water I can tell you that Rosabelle is a very straightforward person and expresses herself through her facial expressions and connectivity through her friends, when words aren’t enough to convey her message. Her family has been a huge influence to her giggly and goofy self, she says it’s because of the frequent family gatherings she attended throughout her childhood which has helped her learn how to introduce herself and is where most of her communication skills stem from. Rosabelle spends her free time with her small chihuahua, who’s cuteness and bubbly energy is contagious to anyone in close proximity. When she is not spending time with her small pupper, she is in the kitchen learning some rather advanced culinary skills as a cool secret talent she can display when friends are visiting. Right now Rosabelle is currently taking health science courses among other classes to prepare her for her two year tech school. And after graduating, she’s planning to work in a hospital as an ultrasound sonographer. She said she was heavily influenced by her family’s wishes for her to be in the health field, but especially her parents who are both hearing impared. Unlike in the past, she acknowledges now that what she sees as her parents having high expectations has set her on a path where she has the ability to make choices about her future opportunities in her chosen career. Lastly, if you see her at lunch she most likely will be picking up a chocolate chip cookie or a fresh fruit cup.

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Rosabelle Thor