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Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Hanah Netys

Hanah Netys, Hour 2

Hanah Netys was born in Stevens Point Wisconsin but grew up on a carnival that her parents owned and traveled the country until she was about five years old. She then moved to Iola Wisconsin and went to school at Iola School District until ninth grade. Her sophomore year she moved to Stevens Point School District where she goes now and plans to stay through her senior year. After high school she wishes to be a news or spokes broadcaster because she likes writing speeches and talking publicly. As of right now she would like to extend her schooling at the University of Stevens Point. In ten years Hanah sees herself trying to find someone to settle down with and start a family and hopefully have a job in broadcasting. The current hobbies Hanah has is playing softball. She used to play softball at Iola High school but now plays at SPASH and is on the 18u Point travel team. Something Hanah wants people to know about her is when she was little she did pageants but she wanted to make it known they were natural and not glam pageants. She got second at one of her pageants and got invited to compete in Florida but unfortunately passed because of school.


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Hanah Netys