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Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Alisson Worzella

Alisson Worzella, Hour 5

Alisson Worzella was raised in Plover, Wisconsin but wasn’t born here. She turned 16 May 4, and was born in 2006. She’s a fun loving, athletic, nerdy, yet somewhat popular person. Her love for school is trumped by her undying love for reading, which even that is overturned by her love for video editing. Her favorite literature genre is romantic novels, and her favorite novel currently is  “it ends with us” by Colleen Hover. The school subject that intrigues her the most is Science. It always peaked her interest as a kid, she enjoys learning about the world and life itself. “It’s also an easy class” stated by Alisson during the interview. It’s also the only subject that she stays awake too. For the characteristics she looks for in her friends are people who are nice, respectful to her and her friends, compassionate, fun loving, athletic (so she can play games and participate in sports with them), they should also share an interest in reading like her, even if it’s the most minute amount, caring is another attribute she looks for, and lastly somewhat funny. Her essentials for her day to day life consists of her phone, a good novel, and phenomenal friends. She plans to live till she’s in her 70’s to 80’s, and would like to have 2 kids and plans to become a video editor for a big corporation as a job in her future. And with the money she gets from her job she plans to use it to help give her kids a happy and fruitful life.


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Alisson Worzella