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Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Aileen Winn

Aileen Winn, Hour 5

Aileen Winn, an eclectic 16 year old from Stevens Point, has a passion for people and big plans for the future. After years of attending charter schools, Alieen has become used to doing things outside of the norm. In her gap year, Aileen will join the Americorps. After that, with a love for nature, she has plans to major in Environmental Conservation and to minor in photography journalism. Aileen enjoys expressing herself with words, hence her love for writing. With an artistic and open mind, she is able to view the world through a unique, optimistic lens. She is excited to be testing the waters of journalism and to be given an opportunity to share her passion through writing for others.

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2 toed Sloth at the Sloth Sanctuary, MonteVerde Cloud Forest Adventure Park

Pura Vida

Aileen Winn
January 20, 2022
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Aileen Winn