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Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Travis Adams

Travis Adams, Hour 5

Travis Adams is a current student at SPASH and born and raised from Stevens Point. He enjoys archery as he finds it fun going out to the range and shooting his bow on his free time. Out of all the seasons he finds summer his favorite as there is so many more things he can do then the other seasons like winter and fall. He likes the fact that its always warm and never freezing as he likes to be outside as much as possible. He has no issues when it comes to summer and always looks forward to it throughout the year. He looks forward to going to college after getting his diploma and graduating from SPASH. He wants to go to a college somewhere not to far or if possible somewhere in Portage County. He sees himself in the future working with machines whether that’d be cars or more advanced machines like manufacturing. He wants to learn of all the capabilities machines can do and how they operate. In the mean time he works at Metro Market and enjoys it as he finds it easy and good paying. Hes been working there for about a year now and although it might not be the best thing in the world, it atleast keeps him occupied for the day.

All content by Travis Adams
photo from Ken Blocks youtube channel

Ken Block

Travis Adams, Hour 5B
January 19, 2023
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Travis Adams