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Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Montana Zdroik

Montana Zdroik, Hour 1

When students graduate from SPASH, they think of moving out of Stevens Point permanently. Montana Zdroik, SPASH Senior, has plans to move out for school but come back. Born and raised in Stevens Point, Montana has plans to move out of Stevens Point for college in Sheboygan, but has plans to build her own family here in Stevens Point. After college Montana also has plans to go and travel around Europe like Paris, Poland, and London. Montana spends most of her time playing volleyball and during the summer you will see her reading her favorite books and sewing, with memories of sewing cute dog clothes with her grandma. Freshman year, Montana was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma cancer. During that time it was very scary for her and going to the doctor appointments for her checkups were scary for her, too. But Montana strived through, she took chemotherapy and by New Years Eve she beat the cancer and is now all better and healthy. Montana took Journalism because it would be easy and when asking Montana about if she has plans of becoming a Journalist, she thought it would be cool to write a book about her traveling experience about people and fantasy topics, but becoming a Journalist is a no.

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Montana Zdroik