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Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Jackson Barber

Jackson Barber, Hour 1

Jackson Barber was born and raised in his hometown of Stevens Point. Some of Jacksons hobbies include martial arts, creating spray paint portraits, and football. Jackson considers himself a valuable player on his football team and enjoys playing and being surrounded by his teammates. Jackson also works a few jobs. He currently works for a country club in rapids and at the VFW bar in Plover, he enjoys working both of these jobs. He also helps out an elderly man with any tasks he needs done around his home. Some individuals that inspire him in life are some of his past teachers, as well as his old martial arts Sensei. A goal for his future is to get a job he enjoys, preferably a performer of some type, he would also like to have time set aside from work to spend time and have some fun with his friends.

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Jackson Barber