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Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Lake Glodowski

Lake Glodowski, Hour 2

Lake is from Milladore Wisconsin. He still lives there, right around the edge of Stevens Point and gets to school by bus. Lake likes going outdoors which includes fishing, gardening, and hunting. School for lake hasn’t been to his liking until this year, he finally has junior/senior release this year so it has been a lot easier on him and smoother. Lake’s interests have been, how the government systems come together and compromises. What he appreciates the most is that he’s all grown up now so he can drive, work, and go out to do things. One thing he would like people to know about him more is that he was in a bus crash. He thought it was the funniest moment in the bus he has had.

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Lake Glodowski