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Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Reflections of the SPASH Community

The Mirror

Chandler Pallen

Chandler Pallen, Hour 1

Chandler was born and raised in Stevens Point WI. He attended Kennedy Elementary for all of his younger years. Then as he grew up he attended Ben Franklin Jr. high. And now chandler is here at SPASH as a junior in high school. His favorite class of all time occurred in his sophomore year at SPASH which was Mr. Totten’s Biology class. He loved the all around class community everyone was very joyful and caring, And of course Mr. Totten’s funny jokes always made the class have a smile on their face. Chandler is a workaholic working 2 jobs one being at Bill’s Pizza and the other being at the BP gas station. Chandler has 2 jobs because he is “stacking bread.” When Chandler is not working he is always hanging out with friends and family. He thinks college is beneficial but is still undecided on if he wants to go or not he is a man that likes to stay in the present, not looking into the future.

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Chandler Pallen