Chromebook Controversy
Are Chromebooks really what’s best for us?

A Chromebook displaying a error screen. Photo taken by Autumn Pagel
October 21, 2022
It’s no secret that students are unhappy and frustrated with the performance of school Chromebooks. Many students experience issues involving their Chromebook on a daily basis, but are these issues as big of a problem as they make it out to be? Or is the frustration of these students justified?
What are students’ thoughts and feelings?
Its well known that students are unhappy with the way Chromebooks perform in class. A poll of 38 journalism students found that 68.4% report they experience lag and slow loading speeds on a daily basis, and 78.9% of students feel that loading speeds and other issues affect their ability to learn and participate in class. Students constantly feel frustrated with the school Chromebooks and feel left behind and slowed down by the issues they experience when using them. A quote from an anonymous student wrote in the survey; “I think the Chromebooks we have should definitely be replaced at some point. Using them can be very annoying, but they work for what I need it to do.” With this quote, we can see that students, though they are frustrated, can see that they work for what needs to be done in class, just not as efficiently as they would like. With Chromebooks not performing to students’ standards, what can be done?
Professionals Opinion
With so many students reporting that feel this way, why isn’t anything being done? Well, the truth is, things are being done to help reduce the issues students are experiencing. It’s hard for the people behind these big decisions about school technology to make huge changes that we would see a significant difference in. In an interview conducted with Brian Casey, the director of technology in the Stevens Point School District, Casey said “We have limited resources. A laptop would be much more capable but with lost funding from Sentry, it’s just not possible.” With limited resources, not much can be done about the Chromebook issues. Casey and his colleagues are always looking for ways to try to improve the performance of Chromebooks with the limited funding they are provided. With funding being such an issue, laptops aren’t seen as a possible solution, as it takes an estimated 1.5million dollars to provide the school district with laptops. That price doesn’t even include the maintenance and programs on laptops. With the government not increasing funding to schools in the past two years and inflation raising the prices of technology, its basically impossible to provide the district with new tech. But, laptops don’t have to be the solution, Casey and his colleagues are always searching for new affordable technology that can replace Chromebooks in the future. They are currently looking into new tech and testing them to find a better substitute. That replacement hasn’t been found yet, but it definitely could be seen in the future. But for now, Chromebooks will have to remain our school devices.
What can be done?
If both sides can’t be satisfied, what can be done? With limited resources provided to the school, keeping Chromebooks will have to do. Without any increase in funding in the past 2 years, Sentry cutting their funding, and rising prices of electronics, we need to work with what is provided. The pr

ofessionals in the district are always working hard to keep up maintenance on our devices and strive to do what’s best for us using the limited resources they are provided. Not all the work falls on their shoulders though, we also have to put in the effort to make sure our devices can work to the best of their ability. To do this, it’s important to know what to do. First of all, you should be resetting your computer every few days to give it a refresh, this can help improve Chromebooks speeds and reduce lag. As well as clearing browsing data every now and then, and keeping minimal tabs open. You should also make sure your Chromebook is updated to the latest version. Chromebooks update frequently and are set to automatically do so, but if you are experiencing problems check if your Chromebook needs an update before taking further steps. If your Chromebook continues to have issues, use the SPAPSD bookmark on the top left titled technology resources for students 7-12. This will walk you through fixing common problems with your Chromebook. Lastly, if your Chromebook continues to have issues, take it to the technology help center. Professionals are there to help you when you need it and it’s important to seek out these resources when needed. The people in the help center can work out issues you may experience, whether it’s a simple fix or the need to provide you with a new Chromebook, they are there to help. But most importantly, remember Chromebooks aren’t perfect. Yes, they may not be the best and can be frustrating at times, but it’s the best thing that can be provided for us.
Carson Eggers • Nov 2, 2022 at 12:37 PM
Very well put together and intriguing. I love how the topic you chose to write about is something we can all relate to and contribute to the conversation about which is the status of Chromebooks. Interesting information on what we can do to fix technical issues with them as well. A good read with good information.
Brooklyn • Oct 24, 2022 at 8:54 AM
Autumn, I really liked reading your article because I felt it is a real issue in the school that has to be fixed. One part of your article I liked is how you went to the head of technology in the Stevens Point School District, it really brought in professionalism in your article. Another part of your article that I really liked is how you included images throughout that really tied into what you were talking about. Lastly I like how you brought in a solution to the problem without just saying theirs nothing that can be done.
Ethan • Oct 24, 2022 at 8:52 AM
This article was very well done. Speaking facts about Chromebooks and so many people always have problems with them. Even I always have problems with it. Chromebooks have been a problem for years.
And this shows how many students dislike school chrome books.
Leo Yang • Oct 24, 2022 at 8:51 AM
Honestly, Autumn, I experienced these problems many times to the point that I just brought in my laptop. That’s just my solution. Besides that, great job specifically where you put the categories of one point of perspective to another.
Stephanie Lieske • Oct 24, 2022 at 8:51 AM
Autumn, I really loved how you made sure to get both the opinions of the students, and facts from the director of technology so we could get the full idea. You also did a great job at giving a full explanation as to why we have chromebooks, and why there isn’t really anything we can do to get other devices right now. I also think you did a really good job with your headers, it made it easier to navigate the article.
Mallory Wanta • Oct 23, 2022 at 9:31 AM
Autumn, I really like that you used a poll to show what students think about Chromebooks. In addition, I like that you interviewed the director of technology at SPASH. This shows why we use Chromebooks even though many students dislike them.
Landen Maas • Oct 21, 2022 at 9:18 AM
Nicely done Autumn! This article was awesome as it explains all sides of the given topic fully. I personally relate to this as my chrome book is very defective but gets the job done at times that it works. I like how you used a variety of sources to fully explain the topic as well. Lastly I like how the article ends by stating that nothing is perfect. It is true to the point where it could possibly make people that a frustrated with their Chrome book take a step back. It is great that you include tips on how to fix issues within the chrome book as well. Nice job!
Ayla Hurtienne • Oct 21, 2022 at 9:09 AM
Autumn, you really portrayed the struggle of the Chromebooks. I loved that you added alternatives for our Chromebooks.
adviser • Oct 21, 2022 at 8:07 AM
Autumn, we liked how you used BOTH graphics. One of them actually helped provide ways to fix your Chromebook. This was helpful! Your survey results were interesting and provided some good background info. The quotes from the interviews were information. Your structure made the article easy to follow. You also provide analysis after each quote. Overall, this article shows a side we haven’t thought about before. This is a very current, relevant topic for SPASH students.
Keana Butterfield • Oct 21, 2022 at 7:58 AM
Autumn, all of the photos you used were very on point and really showed how horrid the Chromebooks work and the hurdles SPASH students have to jump through to use them properly. I like how you started out your article with questions too. “Is this what’s best?” “Is frustration justified?”