Student Spotlight: Katana Provost

Ella Page

Katana Provost isn’t your average SPASH senior. Katana is a loyal friend, dedicated rugby player and a passionate activist. On a regular day you can find Katana practicing her rugby skills, picking up shifts at McDonalds or hanging with friends. Katana is a strong leader with a positive attitude who encourages all others around her. 

Being a leader has always come naturally to Katana, especially on the rugby pitch and in the classroom.  She is known by teammates as someone they can look to for advice and support. Since her first day of practice, Katana has put continuous effort into learning the game and building relationships on the team. “Katana brought the newest players into the team family right away, making them feel comfortable and welcome. Without her, the team wouldn’t be as close as we now are. Katana is also constantly asking questions about the game and sharing the answers with the other players,” said Kaitlyn Frost, the captain of the SPASH rugby club. 

Katana’s leadership is seen in the classroom as well. Her advisory teacher, Ann Marchant said “Katana is a natural conversationalist who brings all advisory students into the discussion. If there’s a lull in discussion, she will call on someone in the class and ask them a question. She listens actively, responds, and the conversation just flows naturally from there!” 

Katana’s positive attitude has been heavily recognized by others, as she was the 2019 student of the year at PJ Jacobs and was voted onto the SPASH homecoming court earlier this year.  “I stay positive by meditating, saying daily affirmations, and lifting others up. But it’s not always easy staying positive, you just have to remember that others’ opinions don’t matter,” said Katana.

 She is known to be a positive in the workplace as well. Her coworker of 4 years, Devin Fuehrer said “I always look forward to working with Katana. Her positive energy is contagious. Her attitude not only affects us working, it affects every customer she interacts with.” 

Katana can be seen here (left middle) with her rugby teammates after their tie for fifth at state.

Putting others first has always been a priority for Katana. “Katana really knows how to push people, she puts the team first and encourages everyone to do their best, always,” said Bree Singewald, a player on the SPASH rugby team. On any given day Katana can be heard encouraging and complimenting others in the halls. Katana carries this attitude to her digital platforms as well through sharing words of encouragement and advocating for fellow students. 

Katana Provost is an exceptional representation of SPASH. Through her leadership, positivity and encouragement she is paving the way for many more SPASH leaders.