Why We Switched to Chromebooks

Gee Lee

In Stevens Point, SPASH switched out the laptops for Chromebooks in August 2020. Dr. Brain Casey, Director Of Technology, gave an explanation why they switched to Chromebooks this year instead of using the laptops. Casey explained that the laptops’ warranty came off this year and they didn’t want to risk another year off the warranty because they would have to buy the parts and provide labor for all the repairs. 

The Chromebooks that we are using this year provide an economical personal device for the school and only costs ⅓ of the price of a laptop, although laptops are more expensive than Chromebooks.

Casey, explained that the Chromebooks have 10 times less breakage than the laptops and the Chromebooks are easy to manage and the Chromebooks can automatically update. Casey  gave a good reason why they decided to switch to Chromebook this year. Most student’s usually don’t take good care of their laptops which is probably one of causes like screen breaking and battery damages.

The students would often choose to work on a laptop rather than a Chromebook for a certain reason. Laptops usually run much faster than Chromebooks because the laptops that we used last year probably runs on 8GB of RAM and the Chrombooks only runs on 2GB or 4GB of RAM. Students would want a laptop to work on because it’s more efficient with getting their homework done while Chromebooks take a quite of time for the resources to load in so students can finish their assignments.