Students explain importance of sports


The Mirror reporter

How important are high school sports? Most students love every moment they spend playing high school sports. Others may not participate in any sports or extracurricular activities through their high school career.

“High school sports are one of the most overrated things out there, biggest waste of time ever,” said senior David Lummis.

Senior Logan Reed said that high school sports are the biggest waste of time because people could be doing something more productive than playing a sport that will end after high school.

Junior Pearson Zimmerman said high school sports can be fun but “I’d rather be doing other activities such as hunting and fishing. “

Junior Devon Blaes said, “High school sports are one of the best things to get into going through school. You make many new friends while playing sports during your high school career.”

Senior Charlie Okray said, “Golf is sick, it is one of the best sports you can play in high school.” Okray is a part of the boys varsity golf team at SPASH.

Senior basketball player Logan Lewis said, “SPASH basketball is one of the most exciting events to watch as we won state the past two years.”

“It never gets easier you just get better,” said junior Amber Kelz.

Senior Seth Kluck said high school sports are great to participate in and people can make some o memories they will have for the rest of their life.

Senior Jacob Piotrowski agreed with Kluck by saying high school sports are one of the most memorable times people have during their time in high school.

“High school sports helped make me an all-around better person,” said senior Eli Wachowiak.

Sophomore Jack Kelly said playing under the light on Friday nights is one of the best experiences he could imagine.

“Maybe if I played sports people would know who I am,” said senior Mason Leach. Many high school athlete’s names get around school fast especially if they are a star on the field or court.

Sophomore Emmy Schierl said, “Dance is one of the most difficult and underrated sports in SPASH.”

Junior Eli Haas said, “It’s real simple, we’ve got the best girls basketball team in the league. Haas is a proud supporter of the SPASH girls basketball team.

Lizzie Kelly, a senior at SPASH, said it is really fun to attend the sporting events because all your friends go and cheer on your school and just have fun while doing it.

Sophomore Stephanie Hirzy said, “Being a manager for the football team is one of the best experiences ever.”